Make sure you understand how your home will be judged by Ofsted and what is required to provide excellent care and positive outcomes for children.
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The regulatory framework introduced in April 2015 is ultimately designed to ensure children living in homes receive the best possible care, have the best possible experience and the best possible outcomes.
This Guide accompanies the Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015. It provides further explanation and information for everyone providing residential child care. The Quality Standards set out the aspirational and positive outcomes that we expect homes to achieve. They also set out the underpinning requirements that homes must meet in order to achieve those overarching outcomes.
This is guidance designed to assist Ofsted inspectors conduct inspections of children’s homes in England. Children’s homes providers can use the guidance to see how inspections are conducted and understand grade differentiation and what evidence inspectors are looking for to support their judgement of your grade.
Annex A provides details of the information that should be supplied to inspectors when they inspect. Use this on a monthly basis to support your six monthly regulation 45 report and the ongoing monitoring required under the Leadership & Management Standard
The ‘Social care compliance handbook’ is written for use by Ofsted staff. It is published to enable providers, managers and interested parties to understand Ofsted’s compliance processes. Understand how and why Ofsted consider and use compliance and enforcement action and what action they can take.
All providers and managers of children’s homes must register with Ofsted unless they meet the requirements for an exemption from registration. This guide explains in more detail what those intending to provide or manage a children’s home must consider when deciding whether they need to apply for registration.
Ofsted actively encourage homes to discuss any concerns with the Inspector or the Regional Inspection Managers. Where informal resolutions have failed these procedures set out the processes that follow to enable your concerns to be fully and fairly investigated.
This guide provides you with information about how to register to provide social care services. It explains what processes your application will go through before Ofsted can decide whether you are fit to be registered as a social care provider or manager.